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Polygon Native EVM Tokens Can Now Use ChainPort for Major Cross-Chain Interoperability

Polygon Native EVM Tokens Can Now Use ChainPort for Major Cross-Chain Interoperability

ChainPort started in mid-2021, with Ethereum being the only native chain we supported and expanding to more chains like Polygon, Avalanche, BNB Chain, Fuse, Moonriver, and Fantom. Still, all these chains were only available to projects which initially deployed their first contract on Ethereum.

We had calls with thousands of projects. In addition, we found a great demand for other EVMs natively that wanted to tap into different communities like Polygon projects wanting to explore Avalanche or Fantom.

In the last couple of months, we worked on different things to make ChainPort the best bridge in the space. Native EVM support is one of them.

We’re excited to announce that you can now port any Polygon Native token to BNB Chain, Avalanche, Moonriver, Fantom, and Fuse within 3 minutes without code or integration.

After all these fantastic milestones we hit, we will support native BNB Chain tokens in the next couple of days, and all remaining EVMs will come next.

Polygon is growing its ecosystem as we write this article. Every day, thousands of tokens are being deployed on the Polygon mainnet, and we want them to be part of the cross-chain interoperability revolution without losing access to the fantastic Polygon ecosystem.

Polygon to Ethereum will be supported soon, as we had a lot of demand for this specific route but it requires a different approach as Ethereum high fees and deploying contracts.

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About Polygon (Matic)

Polygon is the first well-structured, easy-to-use platform for Ethereum scaling and infrastructure development. Its core component is Polygon SDK, a modular, flexible framework that supports building and connecting Secured Chains like Plasma, Optimistic Rollups, zkRollups, Validium, etc, and Standalone Chains Polygon POS, designed for flexibility and independence. Polygon’s scaling solutions have seen widespread adoption with 400+ Dapps, ~250M txns, and ~1.4M+ unique users.

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