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Erable Bridges ERA (CLAP) Token from Cardano to Polygon

Erable Bridges ERA (CLAP) Token from Cardano to Polygon


  • Erable successfully bridged its ERA token from Cardano to Polygon using ChainPort.

  • The primary bridging path for ERA is from Cardano to Polygon, leveraging ChainPort's infrastructure.

  • Erable's financial ecosystem connects investors with impactful initiatives through an impact crowdfunding platform and various financial tools.

  • The ERA token grants access to services, earns rewards for contributions and enables participation in governance decisions.

Bridging ERA to Polygon via ChainPort

Erable has successfully bridged its ERA token from Cardano to Polygon using ChainPort. 

ERA Polygon Contract Address: 0xA8bF0B92BE0338794d2e3b180b9643A1f0eB2914

CLAP Cardano Policy ID: db30c7905f598ed0154de14f970de0f61f0cb3943ed82c891968480a

It is important to note that CLAP and ERA are the same token, both issued by Erable. CLAP refers to the token on the Cardano network, while it is labeled as ERA on Polygon. The token's name change is part of a rebranding initiative, and CLAP will eventually be phased out.

Erable’s financial ecosystem connects investors with impactful initiatives through an impact crowdfunding platform and various financial tools. The ERA token, grants access to services, earning rewards for contributions, and participating in governance decisions that shape Erable's future and the projects it supports.

The availability of ERA on Polygon expands its reach and usability, providing liquidity and trading opportunities on Quickswap. This strategic move not only broadens the token's market presence but also reinforces Erable’s commitment to fostering sustainable financial ecosystems through innovative blockchain solutions.

How to Bridge ERA from Cardano to Polygon in 3 Steps

Below is a step-by-step guide on how to bridge ERA tokens from Cardano to Polygon.  By changing the source and target chains, token holders can also bridge ERA in the opposite route, from Polygon to Cardano. 

Step 1 - Connect Your Wallet

Go to ChainPort's bridge ( and connect your wallet. ChainPort supports Nami, Eternal, and Yoroi wallets on Cardano. Select the wallet with the Cardano-based ERA tokens you wish to bridge to Polygon.

Step 2 - Select the Chains & Token

In the drop-down menu, select the source blockchain and the target blockchain. In our case, the source chain is Cardano, and the target chain is Polygon. Select the ERA as the token you wish to bridge from the dropdown menu.

Step 3 - Confirm Tx & Get Tokens

Review all related information, including gas fees and the token, before confirming the transaction. Once you have confirmed all details, approve the transaction and wait a few minutes for it to be processed. Afterward, your ERA tokens have been successfully bridged from Cardano to Polygon.

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